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The Resource Key Inclusive Impact Package

Award-Winning DEI Playbook Revolutionizes EdTech

"Dare to design for good — at all costs. Design solutions that uplift as many people as possible and break down barriers." -Sandra By Design

person's hand holding square blocks arranging the word hope  on top of a map with other blocks surrounding word.


Babbel, a leading language learning company, sought to create inclusive content that accurately represented diverse perspectives and identities while ensuring sensitivity and representation.


Sandra by Design collaborated with The Resource Key and selected DEI consultants to develop comprehensive DEI creative guidelines for Babbel. Our role included:

  1. Inclusive Content Creation: Engaging in one-on-one interviews and feedback sessions to ensure language and content were representative and sensitive to various identities and experiences.
  2. Expert-Led Research: Leveraging our network to recruit individuals with diverse lived experiences, laying the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable content creation process.


Our collaboration yielded significant benefits:

  • Educational Leadership: Sandra by Design conducted over 250 workshops and 25 e-learning programs, fostering communities of practice dedicated to inclusive design and social impact.
  • Market Leadership: Babbel, the world’s most sold language learning app, launched a 150+ page DEI playbook, reinforcing its internal diversity values, refining recruitment practices, and setting a new standard for content creation.
  • Recognition: The DEI glossary within the playbook won the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative of the Year at the Sustainable Company Awards 2022, highlighting its transformative impact on fostering inclusivity and sustainability.

ESG, CSR, and SDG Alignment

  • ESG: Promotes inclusive and sustainable content creation, aligning with environmental, social, and governance criteria.
  • CSR: Supports corporate social responsibility by driving meaningful social change and empowering diverse voices.
  • SDG: Advances Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 10: Reduces inequality by promoting inclusive content. SDG 17: Strengthens global partnerships for sustainable development.

Is Your Company Changing the Future?

By investing in our programs, you not only enhance your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, but also position your organization as a leader in inclusivity and accessibility.