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Social Media
The Resource Key Speaking

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility Integration in Social Media

"Advancing technologies and strategies to empower people with disabilities is at the core of research and activities within the Mid-South ACT." -University of Memphis Mid-South ACT-

person holding smartphone


The University of Memphis Mid-South Access Center for Technology aimed to develop best practices for social media experiences through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Their goal was to create educational content and training that would help community members make social media more inclusive and accessible.


The Resource Key collaborated with the University of Memphis to align with Mid-South Access Center for Technology’s Virtual Reuse Event. Our contributions included:

  1. Workshop Development: Designed a custom workshop titled "Inclusive and Accessible Social Media," providing practical tools and best practices to ensure social media platforms are more inclusive and accessible.
  2. Educational Content: Delivered training on advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility through social media, ensuring people with disabilities are included.


Our collaboration with the University of Memphis Mid-South ACT led to significant achievements:

  • Empowering Organizations: Attending organizations plan to implement best practices and tools learned during the workshop into their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to embed inclusion and accessibility.
  • Community Connection: Increased connection to the community by making information accessible and ensuring employees and consumers see themselves represented in the brand's diversity.
  • Content Engagement: Enhanced engagement with content that authentically reflects diversity in people, messaging, and experiences.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Expanded opportunities for partnerships with brands that prioritize inclusion and accessibility, amplifying impact through collaborative efforts.

ESG, CSR, and SDG Alignment:

  • ESG: Promotes sustainable and inclusive social media practices, aligning with environmental, social, and governance criteria.
  • CSR: Supports corporate social responsibility by fostering inclusive engagement and communication.
  • SDG: Advances Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 10: Reduces inequality by promoting inclusive social media practices. SDG 17: Strengthens global partnerships for sustainable development.

Is Your Company Changing the Future?

By investing in our programs, you not only enhance your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, but also position your organization as a leader in inclusivity and accessibility.