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Speech and Language Therapy
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The Future of Speech and Language Therapy

"We believe that by leveraging digital tools in a creative, innovative way, we can foster an evolution in speech and language therapy - making it faster and easier to access professional help." -Noala-

Kid using a tablet for visual programming.


Noala aimed to expand its speech and language therapy platform from the United Kingdom to the United States, focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. The goal was to obtain high-level subject matter expertise for platform review, user experience feedback, and new partnership opportunities.


The Resource Key collaborated with Noala to develop best practices for their platform and establish new partnerships. Our contributions included:

  1. Platform Improvement: Providing actionable feedback and professional insights to enhance the platform and user experience.
  2. Partnership Development: Conducting an Instagram Live session on Disability Inclusion and connecting Noala with new partnership opportunities, including Speech Language Pathologists and interested individuals. Our promotion reached an audience of over 35,000 followers.


Our collaboration with Noala led to significant achievements:

  • Funding and Development: Noala raised over $4 million in funding to continue developing its leading digital tools. The traditional speech therapy process can take months or years; Noala aims to ensure therapy is inclusive, accessible, and reduces wait times for the estimated 46 million people in the US with communication disorders.
  • Enhanced Access: Reduced wait times for speech and language therapy, increasing access for individuals needing services.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Increased partnerships with brands prioritizing inclusion and accessibility, expanding their impact.

ESG, CSR, and SDG Alignment

  • ESG: Promotes sustainable and inclusive healthcare solutions, aligning with environmental, social, and governance criteria.
  • CSR: Supports corporate social responsibility by driving impactful social change and improving access to essential services.
  • SDG: Advances Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 10: Reduces inequality by promoting inclusive healthcare. SDG 17: Strengthens global partnerships for sustainable development. SDG 4: Ensures inclusive and quality education for all and promotes lifelong learning.

Is Your Company Changing the Future?

By investing in our programs, you not only enhance your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, but also position your organization as a leader in inclusivity and accessibility.