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Jourdan Saunders, CEO

  • white textured bars interlocked with each other.

    KEY 7. Interconnected

    "We want to be a community that is centered around universal design and being inclusive of all people regardless of ability. That means that we have to continue to learn about accessibility and disability, and celebrate the many contributions and gifts our disabled students bring to our campus.” -Eduardo Pazos, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for Inclusion and Diversity

  • the text "imagine" on the ground within floor design

    KEY 2. Design Impact

    Who are we designing for? What are we considering when we are designing? So many more questions that come to mind when designing and more importantly inclusive and accessible design. 

  • two desk globes next to each other.

    KEY 1. Stay Connected

    Stay Connected takes on a whole new meaning depending on the person, context, and environment.