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Empowering Your Business with Inclusivity and Accessibility

Office Hours for Inclusive Innovation

Introductory Package for Small Businesses

Tailored sessions help small business executives infuse innovation and inclusivity into their operations, enhancing market presence.

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Expansion Package for Mid-Sized Businesses

Comprehensive support for mid-sized businesses ready to deepen their inclusivity commitments and expand market influence through advanced product development and strategic marketing.

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Comprehensive Strategy Package for Large Businesses

Customizable sessions providing extensive strategic support for large enterprises aiming to lead their fields through advanced innovation and inclusivity.

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Why Choose Us?

  • Diverse and Impactful Engagements: Our Office Hours have supported significant projects, including collaborations with tech startups, one of which secured over $20 million in funding, and improving accessibility in major sports organizations.
  • Expert-Led Initiatives: We guide businesses through significant transitions, enhancing their products and brands to meet the highest standards of accessibility and inclusivity.
  • Customizable and Scalable Solutions: Our services are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each organization, ensuring impactful engagements that lead to measurable growth.
  • Extensive Reach and Recognition: Our efforts span various sectors, including education, healthcare, and digital technology, demonstrating our capability to adapt and make a significant impact across diverse industries.
  • Brands in Our Portfolio, Testimonials

Engage with Us

  • Whether you aim to innovate your product line, enhance your brand’s inclusivity, or refine your strategic approach, The Resource Key provides the guidance and support necessary for success. Our goal is to empower your business to become a leader in inclusivity and accessibility. Join us in this mission — let's innovate and grow together.

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Is Your Company Changing the Future?

By investing in our programs, you not only enhance your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, but also position your organization as a leader in inclusivity and accessibility.